- Realtime Clock (RTC) development board (bare board) (in peer view)
- "The Knight": a processor module (in work)
- "The Stallion": a CubeSat main/carrier board (in work)
- A CubeSAT mainboard designed to operate with multiple "Knight" modules
- Designed with KiCAD
- Name etymology - what carries a knight? A stallion
- CubeSat Frame (in work)
- 3D model designed for educational use
- Originally designed around a stack of 5 PC/104-formatted printed circuit boards (PCB)
- The current revision is being designed around a stack of 5 CJMJ-formatted boards (i.e. the "Stallion")
- Designed with TurboCAD Pro Platinum 2017 64-bit
- Small Spacecraft Carrier (in work)
- Expandable carrier which can be assembled on-orbit from 4 basic modules:
- Spine module
- Allows carrier to be expanded per mission requirements
- Provides all necessary paths for power, communications and fuel
- Propulsion module
- Provides fault tolerant control over the carrier's translational and rotational movement
- Having a 'Pushmi-Pullyu' arrangement negates the need to flip the carrier end-to-end.
- Payload bay module large enough for a 1U CubeSat which could:
- Provide services to the carrier
- Be launched on an autonomous mission
- Fuel tank module
- Provides propellent for propulsion modules
- Designed with TurboCAD Pro Platinum 2017 64-bit
- Housing for a quadrature rotary encoder (complete)
- The PING))) Box: protective storage box for an ultrasonic sensor (complete)
- Mount for an ultrasonic sensor (pending upload)
- Trays for the Plano Prolatch Storage Box Model 3750 (pending upload)
- "The Bargmann Drive" (completed)
- Renderings of miscellaneous CAD models I designed with TurboCAD: 9V Terminals for PCB, Barrel Connector for Power, Battery Holder, Billiard Balls, Boe Bot, Boe Bot Chassis, Breadboard, CJMJ Puzzle Box, Drone, Electric Outrunner Motors, Headers, Nine Ball, RoboDog 2002, Rule (closeup), Servos, Shop 1, Shop 2, Tactile Switch Teardown (closeup) (just switch), Wheels